At Pepper Group, we’ve run the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), also known as Traction, for 15 years. The value of EOS is right in its name—it’s a system for operating a small to mid-size business. EOS is a proven approach that creates a high-performing business operation,extracting the most value possible from the collective brainpower and assets of the organization.

Honing operations is incredibly important, but as Peter Drucker famously wrote, “Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs.It is your marketing and sales efforts that drive growth. So, what if you could implement an equally effective set of concepts and tools focused on creating and retaining customers?

The Pepper Group Revenue Tower® was built as just that. Based on 20+ years of experience in creating and executing highly effective B2B marketing programs, the Revenue Tower is a proven system that drives sales growth and builds business value. It will help you acquire more customers, retain and grow business with current customers, and build a scalable marketing machine that adds business value.

For high-growth organizations, whether private equity, closely held or startup, the Revenue Tower provides a comprehensive roadmap to powerful customer acquisition and retention results. Here are three ways that the Revenue Tower helps deliver on this promise:

1. Creating Clarity

A common challenge within organizations is that many don’t fully understand how marketing adds value. Is marketing’s role to advertise? Is it to create sales collateral? Or is marketing an unnecessary cost that is the first thing to cut when the going gets tough?

By using a clear framework, the Revenue Tower not only organizes and integrates the entire marketing effort but also helps everyone in the organization understand how and where the business is driving growth and building value and how they can support that goal.

2. Guiding Prioritization

In our 30 years, we have yet to meet a client who says, “Spend as much as you want—our budget is unlimited.” If your budget is not unlimited, the Revenue Tower will help prioritize and balance your marketing investments. The framework forces decisions to make sure every level is operational, and your marketing machine is optimized.

You will continually improve, of course, adding new tactics, revising others, scaling where appropriate and implementing new technology tools. The Revenue Tower helps you invest in the right places to maximize outcomes. Rather than guess where the next and best marketing investment should be, and the ROI that is being achieved, the framework will help you make informed decisions.

3. Integrating Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales are both critical revenue-generating functions in B2B. However, marketing and sales teams don’t always see eye to eye. The Revenue Tower brings these teams onto the same page.

Because the Revenue Tower creates a fully integrated, revenue-focused system, it helps marketing and sales teams understand how their activities come together. Integrated tactics are exponentially more effective than otherwise, and with the Revenue Tower as a framework, marketing and sales teams collaborate better and achieve higher levels of success.

Just like EOS is an operating system, the Revenue Tower is a revenue system. It will help you execute an integrated, modern approach, clarify your priorities and create better and more consistent results, driving higher profitability and building enterprise value.

The Revenue Tower is our proprietary, tested method and it’s why Pepper Group has become the agency of choice for high-growth companies. If you want to learn more about the Revenue Tower and how it can be applied to your business, contact us today!