When a book is recommended to me by multiple people within just a few days, I tend to become intrigued. When the book is by Seth Godin, it’s a curiosity perker of the nth degree.

So, I bought it. It’s called Linchpin. I haven’t even finished it yet, but I’d like to pay forward the recommendations I received—you should buy it, read it, share it and gift it.

From the testimonials on the back cover:

“If Seth Godin didn’t exist, we’d need to invent him—that’s how indispensable he is!
You hold in your hands a compelling, accessible, and purpose-filled book.
Read it and do yourself a big favor. Your future will thank you!”
—Alan Webber, founder of Fast Company

I’ve read my share of business books, but this one transcends the category. The subtitle is “Are You Indispensable?” About 30 pages in, Seth writes:

SECRET MEMO TO EMPLOYEES: Given the chance, you should choose to be indispensable.

SECRET MEMO TO EMPLOYERS: You want your employees to be indispensable.

It’s mainly about the evolution of the workplace and how we all have an opportunity to grow and share our individual genius. And when we do, everyone benefits. We need to have inner confidence that we can exercise our own genius, and certainly celebrate others when they are bold enough to explore theirs.

Not everyone is a genius 24/7, but we all have some genius in us. Seeing things differently, trying a new approach, giving ourselves the chance to explore alternatives in order to find a better way. Isn’t that what we want from our employees and leaders? And even broader, isn’t that what we want from our family and friends?

Yes, many old school leaders will not be comfortable with all of this, but we are not operating the same as we always have. This is a textbook in how to develop one’s self, how to recognize those who are already linchpins, and then promote them within your organization.

Seth has written this book in bite-size passages that you can gobble up during a 10-minute break from your screen, or a two-hour feast. Be hungry, my friends!

Tim Padgett

“If little else, the brain is an educational toy.”
—Tom Robbins

“I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.”
—Woodrow Wilson

“Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.”
—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle