Brand Launch – TIGRIS – A Premier Surface Water Management Company

Brand Launch – TIGRIS – A Premier Surface Water Management Company

The Challenge

Plexus Capital sought to launch a new platform company that would consolidate a number of companies and services into one leading national solution for lake, pond, wetland and stormwater management. The challenge was to create a brand that could stand out in a crowded marketplace, resonate with a diverse range of clients—from homeowner associations to Fortune 500 corporations—and convey a strong commitment to environmental responsibility. The goal was not just to create a company, but to establish a brand that would be recognized as the premier provider of water management services in the United States. Moreover, the timeline was tight, as they needed to make a significant impact when they officially launched the new company at the 2023 NALMS tradeshow.

The Solution

To address the challenge, we worked with Plexus Capital to name and launch the new company, TIGRIS. The name was chosen to evoke strength, reliability and a connection to water, aligning perfectly with the company's mission.

Our approach involved creating a comprehensive brand strategy highlighting TIGRIS’s commitment to service excellence and environmental stewardship. We developed brand messaging that spoke to the diverse needs of their clients, emphasizing the company’s relentless dedication and passion. Leveraging the tagline, “Where Waters Thrive,” we created a brand that spoke directly to the target audience’s need for water systems that are clean, safe, compliant and beautiful.

The brand design was crafted to be vibrant and eye-catching, ensuring TIGRIS would not only stand out at the NALMS trade show but amongst their competitors in the digital and physical landscape. The design was carried through to the website, which we developed to be both visually bright and user-friendly. The website served as a place to showcase TIGRIS’s extensive range of services, strong leadership team and growing coverage. In addition to the website, we developed business cards, trade show display materials, sales collateral and other foundational elements to ensure TIGRIS launched with a cohesive, professional and distinctive impact.

Throughout the process, we worked closely with the TIGRIS marketing leadership to ensure all touch points, including social media, proposal templates, employee apparel and more, aligned with the new brand—ensuring that whether tactics were executed by Pepper Group or by the TIGRIS internal team, everything worked together to tell the same powerful story.


The Result

TIGRIS made a remarkable debut at the NALMS trade show. The vibrancy of the brand caught everyone’s attention, making it one of the most talked-about exhibitors at the event. Attendees were drawn to the bold design and the compelling messaging, which clearly communicated TIGRIS’s position as the premier provider of surface water management services in the United States. The launch not only met but exceeded expectations, establishing TIGRIS as a leader in the surface water management industry.

In its first year, TIGRIS has continued to expand, with new companies joining the platform as well as through organic growth. Since the launch, Pepper Group has helped TIGRIS develop additional assets that help take the branding further. From truck wrap designs to presentation templates, Pepper Group has helped ensure the TIGRIS brand is strong whether it’s seen on the street or in a conference room. We are excited to see what comes next!

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